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Farmers in the making

TNN | Nov 29, 2015 HYDERABAD: Inspired by the success stories of tech wizards-turned-farmers, several IT professionals from the state are now gearing up to follow suit. Take for instance, 30-year-old Srikanth from Mahbubnagar, who has already invested in a five-acre land parcel and is now impatiently waiting to bid his corporate job adieu.

A return to the soil

Ch Sushil Rao, TNN | Nov 29, 2015 HYDERABAD: For eight years, Komatireddy Raja Reddy was an NRI. After wrapping up a project with the World Bank in Washington D C, the data architect moved to New York and then had a brief stint at Boston. Cut to 2015: Raja Reddy is a farmer back […]

In search of greener pastures

November 26, 2015 Chennai Vinoth Kumar is set to travel across 11 countries in his search for traditional organic farming methods After six years behind the desk at an IT job, Vinoth Kumar left it all to become a farmer. Hailing from an agricultural family based in Cheyyur, Kanchipuram district, the 32-year-old has been a […]

Drive to boost crop conservation

E.M. Manoj KALPETTA, November 23, 2015 Highlighting the significance of conserving traditional rice varieties, the Thanal Agro Ecology Centre (TAEC) opened its rice germ plasm collection at its paddy diversity block at Panavally, near Kattikulam, in Wayanad to the public on Sunday.

Bangalore Organic Mart & Savayeva Raitara Santhe

Organic market is on the rise in India, with Bangalore having highest sales of Organic Food Products as well as the largest number of Organic outlets. In 2012, Bangalore had a Retail sale of INR 300 million and it is growing at the rate of 35-40% per year. Bangalore’s Retail Sale is estimated to reach […]

The Plight Of Punjab—I

An extract on the Green Revolution from Joel K. Bourne Jr’s The End of Plenty Joel K. Bourne Jr When Norman Borlaug and M. S. Swaminathan introduced the new high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice to India, they focused their initial efforts in Punjab, a traditional wheatgrowing region on the border with Pakistan. The result […]

The Plight Of Punjab—II

Nov 20, 2015 Joel K. Bourne Jr How pesticides and public health are a matter of great concern in Punjab… n the early 2000s, news reports began to surface of another disturbing phenomenon in rural villages in the cotton belt. The jet-black hair of numerous Punjabi schoolchildren, some as young as 10 years old, had […]