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Organic Agri-preneurship: Leadership Organic Integrity Best Practices

The sessions will be conducted by renowned experts/leaders from organic sector. The training will help participant to identify key aspects critical to becoming a successful leader and to learn the continuous improvement and innovation in fostering organic growth. Registration Cost: INR 7500 for 03 days (including lunch for 03 Days + 01 Networking Dinner) Exclusive […]

Guardians of crop diversity

Seed production in Haveri district is not synonymous with hybrid varieties anymore. Indigenous seeds have created ripples in the epicentre of hybrid seed production. The change is visible when one visits some farms in Chinnikatte village in the district. The odour of chemical materials has given way to the scent of organic inputs even as […]

Success story through organic tea farming

A hard working, educated youth of Hograjuli-Panchnoi area under Dhekiajuli PS in Sonitpur district has scripted a success story through organic tea farming. Pallabjyoti Nath, a 36-year-old Economics graduate from Gauhati University and a skilful tea gardener is now reaping success after years of arduous struggle. A kind, simple and down-to-earth youth, Nath who is […]

Maharashtra urges farmers to grow indigenous variety of cotton

The state government plans to urge farmers in the state to grow indigenous variety cotton and not genetically modified Bt cotton. Pandurang Fundkar, Minister for Agriculture, said the state aims to ensure that, within the next four years, at least 25 per cent of the cotton grown in the state is of indigenous variety. Fundkar […]

Field trials complete for GM mustard, but experts sound caution

JAIPUR: Field trials of GM mustard are complete and an application from Delhi University’s Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants is pending before the government. If approved, GM mustard will become the first genetically modified food crop to be grown commercially in the country. Rajasthan is the country’s top mustard producing state. In 2010-11, […]

The Naked Truth Behind One Swedish Brand and Its Supply Chain

This Swedish company is showing that ethical supply chains and commercial viability can go hand in hand even in the fast paced fashion world. Nudie Jeans, the Gothenburg-based brand, is basically the Patagonia of jeans. Though the company now sells t-shirts, jackets, and other apparel, they started with jeans. That is organic cotton denims, which […]

Training for PGS certification

The first group of farmers in Ernakulam district have begun a training programme to get organic farming certification through the internationally-accepted Participatory Guarantee System under the aegis of PGS India. The PGS certification system involves farmers groups of five or more who mutually testify to the organic quality of the produces. The process is inexpensive […]